Ways the Writing Center can support your class


How we help all students

Ways to introduce us to your class


Class Visits

Embedded Tutors

Customized Handouts and Videos


How we help all students

We believe that students will write best when they do not go it alone.  Since all writers can benefit from smart, thoughtful feedback, please let all your students know about the Writing Center. We are happy to assist both your high-achievers and those who are struggling.  

Students may not realize that they can use us as a preventive measure. If they can anticipate which parts of their writing process could be most challenging for them, they would be wise to let us help them with those aspects of their writing.  We can help them develop the skills they need to succeed (such as crafting a thesis, citing sources, etc.).  

Even students with strong writing skills may want extra help when they encounter: 

    • new audiences (e.g. writing for a specific discipline that is new to them, writing to a secular public, etc.)
    • new types of writing (e.g. research papers, book reviews, exegetical papers, literature reviews, empirical research, etc.)
    • longer papers than they have ever written before
    • complex topics new to them  
    • assignments with higher-order reasoning (analysis, synthesis, in-depth reflection, argument)

What kind of help will my students receive?

Each session helps students accomplish two goals: 

1) learn at least one writing strategy and 

2) use that strategy to improve their papers

Although our help is not limited to the list below, we most commonly assist students with:

    • Understanding the writing situation (audience, purpose, tasks to complete)
    • Planning their writing/research process
    • Learning new genres
    • Generating and focusing ideas
    • Making clear, organized, well-supported arguments
    • Developing strong paragraphs
    • Finding and integrating Sources
    • Improving their writing style
    • Learning to Proofread their own papers

Writers make choices from the beginning to the end of their process.  We can't (and won't) make these choices for students, but we can give them tools for making more informed, artful choices on their own.  

What if my students need help with technical issues?

Think of our tutors as general writing consultants.  We can help with many more "technical" issues, but the tutor that works with your student may not have taken your course and may not be familiar with the subtleties of writing in your discipline.  

For example, our tutors have not memorized every part of the Turabian handbook, but they can help students understand Turabian's general principles: how to correctly cite footnotes and endnotes, and how to create a strong bibliography.    

Unless the issue is very specific to your class or discipline, chances are we can help.  If in doubt, ask us.  


Ways to introduce us to your class

  • Include a blurb about us on your syllabus and/or Blackboard site.  Feel free to use this brief summary of our services.
  • Introduce the Writing Center in class. Ideally, tell your students about us when you assign the first paper. Feel free to distribute our “Welcome to the Writing Center” handout.
  • Remind students that seeking feedback is a smart move for all writers. Remind them that every writer--both novices and experts--grows by receiving smart feedback from peers. Students might even enjoy hearing how you have benefited from feedback on your own writing.
  • Invite a Writing Center tutor to visit your class. We would be happy to introduce our services to your students. These visits can be scheduled at any time, but they are far more effective when students are at an important stage in writing their papers--when they still have some time left to meet with a tutor and apply the advice.  Simply complete this brief "class visit request" form.
  • Once some of your students have visited the Writing Center, ask if they would be willing to give a short testimonial.


Yes! Please strongly encourage all your students to make us part of their writing process. 

Sometimes, a few students may need more specialized help, or the class as a whole may need a little "extra push" to make Writing Center visits a regular habit. 

However you choose to provide that "push," we offer resources that can make it easier. If you plan to require visits (or offer extra credit), we ask that you read "how to make requires visits work" in full.  

How to make required Writing Center visits work 

Referral form for individual students 

Student reflection form 


Class visits

Yes! We are happy to visit your class. We offer two kinds of outreach visits: 

1) A brief introduction to the Writing Center

Students are far more likely to visit the Writing Center when they can attach a name and face to our services. In these 5 to 10-minute class outreach sessions, a tutor will visit your class (either in-person or via Zoom) and explain our services to your students. To request a class visit, please complete our request form.

2) A customized lesson on writing for your class 

These are hands-on workshops customized for your students' needs. We can help teach issues such as:

      • New genres   (e.g. book reviews, literature reviews, narrative sermons, empirical research, etc.)
      • Core writing strategies and how they work in your discipline  (e.g. thesis/purpose statements, integrating sources, avoiding plagiarism, etc.)
      • Healthy ways of managing the writing process   (e.g. finding/narrowing a focus, practicing global revision, and improving proofreading skills)
      • Strategies for peer review  (e.g. what to comment on, how to offer constructive feedback, how to use feedback as a springboard to revision)
      • Strategies for collaborative writing projects  (e.g. creating clear roles, setting a schedule, using technology)

If you are interested in requesting a lesson from a Writing Center instructor, please complete our request form, and we will get back to you right away. 


Embedded Tutors

Sometimes, you may want to give your students more writing instruction, but you do not have the time. In these cases, our embedded tutor program may be a good fit. 

Embedded tutors are experienced, well-trained writing tutors who are assigned to your class. They will meet multiple times throughout the semester with every student in your course, and they will help explain important "how-to" writing elements through custom-designed short videos or handouts. 

If you would like to learn more, please contact david.hudson@moody.edu.


Handouts and Videos

The Writing Center has created a series of handouts and videos on common writing issues, customized for the needs of Moody students. Please, feel free to share these with your class: A Writer's Resource (moody.edu).

If you would like to request a new writing resource on our website, just let us know by contacting  David Hudson. 

Make an Appointment