Partnering with the Writing Center and Library


Why partner with the Writing Center? 

Writing assignments teach students how to think like professionals. By partnering with the Writing Center, you can help students enrich their critical thinking by discussing their ideas and thinking process with someone else. 

Tutors can 1) help their peers identify at least one way they can grow as a writer and 2) work toward that growth with feedback and helpful resources. For good examples of the ways tutors can help their peers grow, see the expanded Student Writing Outcomes: Outcomes for Finished Papers--by year and Outcomes for Students' Writing Processes--by year. Keep in mind that each meeting with a tutor can usually address just a few writing issues, and long-term growth may require multiple visits. It is best then to encourage your class to make the Writing Center a regular part of their writing process.

If you would like to partner with the Writing Center, many options are available: from requiring student visits, to assigning specific tutors to your class, to custom-designed lessons or resources. 

If you have questions or would like to investigate ways to partner with writing tutors, contact 

Why partner with the library?

Information literacy is one of the most critical elements of good writing. Students often need help finding appropriate sources, but they often need even more help evaluating and using what they find or understanding how writers use sources to develop their authority. The Crowell Library offers a wide range of resources that can help your class. 

In-Library sessions (customized for your course needs. These can go far beyond the "how-tos" of searching the library databases)

Embedded library services (for Moody Online)

LibGuides (online handouts and e-tutorials for information literacy)

Information literacy videos and web resources

Student appointments with research librarians

Live "LibChat" for remote students who need live support